
Your satisfaction is of primary importance to Along came Amy.

 Osmosis transforms the skin through feeding and stimulating the deeper layer of your skin
whereas other skincare lines inflict unnecessary trauma and inflammation to the skin to obtain
their results. Aggressive skincare lines with harsh ingredients can suppress the skin’s immune
function and may lead to toxin build up. When you start using Osmosis products for the first
time it is normal to experience an ‘overstimulation’.

Whenever we introduce something new to the skin, there is a likelihood that some purging (a
break out or dry/flaky areas) may occur. Please keep in mind that if this occurs it is only
temporary. Typically, a 30 day period must pass before our skin adapts to being stimulated.
Please also note that having this ‘purging’ occur is a good thing. This means the toxins that have
been built up for however long in the deeper layer of your skin where all your skin concerns lay
are being released to the surface creating a healthy and nutrient filled skin underneath which in
turn will show on the outside. Keep using Osmosis and this purging will pass and you will have a
much healthier skin both short and long term!

Please understand the above information we have provided about starting on the Osmosis
range before filling out the returns section

Thank you,

Along came Amy x

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    Free standard shipping (within Australia) for orders above $200